
Marathon Training Series - Running in the heat

Marathon Training Series - Running in the heat

Runderwear Marathon Training Series

Each week in the lead up to The London Marathon we'll be focusing on a different topic relevant to marathon training, from training plans to nutrition and running in the heat. So you'll have all the marathon insider knowledge in one place - your go to training hub!


Here’s a link to previous blogs you may have missed:

  1. Introduction – meet the runners
  2. Marathon training plans
  3. Running in the heat
  4. Routine
  5. Nutrition


Running in the heat

As the training miles are ramping up, so is the summer heat – which can be a tricky combo! We caught up with our four marathon runners to see how they’re finding adapting to summer running, and any key lessons they’d pass on to save you having to learn them the hard way, here are their top tips


1. Get out early

It’s easier said than done when your body is tired and you want nothing more than to snooze that alarm, but trust us – you’ll be glad you did it! Beating the summer heat not only makes for a much more comfortable run, but getting it done before the world wakes also frees up your day later (fitting in the extra miles is tough enough as it is!). Linda tends to head out between 5am and 6am, and Kev says running in the morning before work has become part of his non-negotiable routine. 


2. Wear the right kit

It might seem obvious, but way too often runners neglect their kit – or at the very least don’t think about the materials they’re made from. Running in your usual cotton underwear and T-shirt could be a painful mistake on a hot day, as it soaks up the sweat and puts you at risk of not only over-heating, but also painful chafing. To avoid this, Jamie (Runderwear’s Head of Product and marathon runners) recommends sticking to lightweight, moisture-wicking fabrics that remove sweat away from the skin to keep you cool and comfortable.

Check out Runderwear's full range of running underwear and running socks to improve your performance.

3. Hydrate (adding electrolytes and salts)

You’ve heard it before but this one cannot be over-stated, hydration is key during summer running! Linda’s top tip is to begin hydrating the night before a run, while Immie focuses on using electrolyte tabs in her water to replace crucial salts that are lost during sweating. Hydration is directly linked to performance and recovery, in fact dehydration makes it harder for oxygen to get to the muscles, which will slow you down.


4. Put a drink in the fridge

Linking to hydration, Immie’s top tip is to put a drink in the fridge (or even freezer) before she heads out for a run. Doing this helps to cool you down and stay refreshed for the rest of the day.


4. Take breaks

Finally, Linda reminds us that it’s absolutely ok to take a break! If you’re struggling to run in the heat, stop and walk until you feel ready to get going again.

So, take this as your reminder that you should sweat the small stuff – it matters, and makes all the difference when it comes to running in the heat.

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